What are the payment arrangements?

For neuropsychological evaluations, a $500 deposit is due within 24 hours of scheduling with the remaining balance split between the initial intake and the last testing session. For psychotherapy, consultation, and organizational coaching, the fee is due at each appointment.

What is the best way to prepare my child for the evaluation?

We recommend telling your child in advance of the first testing session that he or she will be receiving an evaluation.  Please make sure your child obtains a good night’s sleep the night before the evaluation and has a nutritious meal(s) the day of the evaluation.  You can tell your child he or she will be receiving a “learning and mood check-up” and that the clinician will be administering a variety of paper-and-pencil and computerized tasks.  Additionally, the clinician will be talking with your child about his or her mood and behavior.  As young children may believe they are seeing their regular doctor and may get a shot, please let them know they will not receive any shots during the evaluation.  During the testing sessions, your child will receive breaks, and he or she can bring a snack and drink for when breaks are taken.

Should I or my child take prescription medication on the day of the evaluation?

During the intake meeting, your clinician will review medications that are being taken and talk with you about you or your child taking medications on the day of the evaluation.

How long does the process of the neuropsychological evaluation last, from the intake meeting to the time I have the report?

On average, it takes approximately one month from the time of the intake to the time of the feedback session. Please note that this timeline is heavily dependent on the client’s availability for testing sessions.

What is the role of the psychometrist in my child’s evaluation?

Psychometrists at the Portsmouth Neuropsychology Center have advanced graduate degrees and have expertise in neuropsychological test administration and scoring.  They are not involved with test interpretation or diagnosing.

If my child is receiving a neuropsychological evaluation or receiving psychotherapy, do I wait in the office?

Your clinician will let you know whether it makes sense for you to stay in the waiting room or if it is OK to leave.  This decision will be determined by the age and clinical needs of your child.

What happens during psychotherapy with my child?

During psychotherapy sessions, clinicians talk with your child about a range of presenting concerns.  The clinician will utilize various interventions during the session to reduce problematic symptoms and help your child reach targeted goals.  At times, the clinician will want to talk with parents to better understand their child’s functioning in the home and school setting.

Will I have access to the things my child says in psychotherapy?

In order for children and adolescents to develop a therapeutic alliance with the clinician, they need to be assured that what they say will be kept confidential.  However, there are times when the clinician needs to break confidentiality (e.g., to ensure their safety or the safety of others, etc.).

Can I use my insurance?

The Portsmouth Neuropsychology Center is a private-pay practice. While PNC does not contract directly with insurance companies, our clients frequently report they receive substantial out-of-network reimbursement.

Can I use my flexible spending account (FSA) to pay for services?

Yes.  While we request payment in the form of cash or check at time of service, we can provide itemized receipts that you can submit directly to your FSA.

Do you charge for missed appointments or cancellations?

If you provide 24-hour notice, there is no fee for missed or cancelled sessions. However, if notice is provided with less than 24 hours or not given at all, a fee will be charged.

Which insurance billing codes are used? What is your NPI#?

CPT Codes – Neuropsych Testing

Code                    Description

96116                   Intake

96138                   Technician neuro/psychological testing/scoring (first 30 min.)

+96139                 Technician neuro/psychological testing/scoring

96136                   Professional testing (first 30 min.)

+96137                 Additional Professional testing after first 30 min.

96146                   Automatized Test

96132                   Neuropsych Prof. Services (first hour)

+96133                Neuropsych Prof. Services ((bill with > 31 minutes)


CPT Codes – Psychotherapy


90834                   50-minute session

90832                   25-minute session


NPI# 1720730120

After the neuropsychological evaluation has been completed, are you still available if we have questions?

Yes.  The clinician is available to talk through any questions you may have.  If more in-depth consultation is required following the actual feedback session (i.e., more than 30 minutes of time), your clinician will recommend scheduling an actual appointment in the office.

Do you talk with other providers to get additional information about my child?

Yes, with your permission.  We welcome the opportunity to learn more about your child in other settings.  After you sign a release form, we can contact specific providers.

What age ranges do you see?

For neuropsychological evaluations, we evaluate children as young as 18 months to those who are school-aged, adolescents, and adults.  For psychotherapy, we treat children, adolescents, and adults.

What is a neuropsychological evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation is a specialized type of assessment to better understand a client’s strengths and challenges across several domains, including intellectual, academic, language, memory, fine-motor, attention, executive functioning, memory, and social-emotional functioning.  Clinicians providing neuropsychological evaluations have specialized training in neuropsychological assessment and brain-behavior relationships.

If my child is having academic difficulties, can’t I just have his or her school psychologist do an evaluation?

There are several scenarios where an evaluation conducted by a school psychologist may be helpful.  However, there are many differences between evaluations conducted through the school district versus ones provided at the Portsmouth Neuropsychology Center.  First, clinicians at the Portsmouth Neuropsychology Center have extensive years of training, including internship and post-doctoral training, regarding brain behavior relations, neuropsychology, developmental issues, psychopathology, assessment of various clinical conditions, and in-depth knowledge of psychometrics and assessment.  Second, a neuropsychological evaluation is generally much more comprehensive and detailed regarding the client’s strengths and challenges and offers detailed recommendations across both academic and social-emotional domains.  Third, clinicians at the Portsmouth Neuropsychology Center are able to diagnose various clinical conditions, whereas school psychologists are not able to do this in their role on the school team.  Clinicians at the Portsmouth Neuropsychology Center value the respective expertise provided by school personnel and welcome the opportunity to collaborate with school teams to best inform educational planning.