Hiding in Plain Sight:  Girls and Autism Spectrum Disorders “Jenny” sits with three other adolescent girls at the lunch table.  She is laughing at what they are saying.  While she tends...
Choosing Empathy: A Positive Approach to Building Better Behaviors    As parents, we sometimes find ourselves dealing with challenging behaviors in our children that leave us feeling frazzled...
“It’s not joy that makes us grateful, its gratitude that brings us joy.” Jesuit Priest. This Thanksgiving, we celebrate the benefits of gratitude in our lives and are mindful of the positive...
The month of October has been dedicated to celebrating ADHD awareness as well as Learning Disabilities awareness.  Although these are two different brain-based disorders, there are many connections between the...
  Adolescents are returning to yet another year with Covid-19 challenges and restrictions.  In a recent article , How to Support Teenagers as They Head Back to...
After a long and challenging school year it is finally time for children and parents (and teachers!) to enjoy a well-deserved summer break.  This time of reopening after the pandemic...
COVID-19 pandemic has brought on significant mental health challenges for children, adolescents, and adults worldwide. Therapists have seen the number of clients presenting with anxiety and depression increase significantly over...
Awareness to Acceptance Since 2007, April has been designated “Autism Awareness Month.” This has been a time to empower individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, as well as help...
Dr. Rubin recently presented to the Seacoast Women’s Giving Circle about “Silver Linings:  A Look Back at 2020.”  The following represents an excerpt from her talk.   As both a clinical psychologist...
As this tumultuous year comes to an end and the holiday season is upon us, we wanted to share some of our self-care strategies including favorite podcasts, radio stations, books,...