
5 Ways to Bring Peace and Joy This Season

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, our team at PNC offers five ways to be mindfully present and create meaningful memories for yourself and your time with friends and family.

  1. Share your Appreciation for Others

Turn your attention to others rather than yourself.  Take this time to ask how your friends or neighbors are doing, a simple smile or kind word goes a long way anytime of the year. Check out these creative ways to show gratitude this season.

  1. Practice Empathy

Focus on how others are feeling and demonstrate empathy to those in need.  This emotional connection can help to counter the isolation and loneliness that people may be feeling during the holidays. Try some of these tips to be more empathetic to others this season.

  1. Slow Down and Simplify

As Dr. Christina Hibbert writes in her book This Is How We Grow, “It is precisely when stress is coming after us that we most need to slow down and see…As we exit the speeding highway and opt for the slower, scenic route, we find a richness to life and we wonder how we’ve missed it all this time.”  Take the time to ask yourself, “What are the most important parts in my life right now, am I giving enough attention to these, and what can I do to focus more on what matters most?

  1. Give Yourself a Break

We often put high demands and expectations on ourselves during the holiday season, only to set ourselves up for failure and stress.  Take some time to check in with yourself and relax or meditate when you need to.

  1. Find out What Brings Joy to You and Your Family

Ask your family which traditions are most important to them this time of year.  We often put so much pressure on the events or traditions without even noticing if they are bringing us joy.  It is OK to say “no” to an activity or event that may not be meaningful to your family.  When you say “no” to something it frees you up to say “yes” to something more enjoyable and meaningful for you and your family.  Here’s a few great holiday traditions locally in Portsmouth, NH!

Happy Holidays from the PNC team!